Saturday, 1:43 pm

Once again, I write while betraying my origins. Yes, I am positioned in the Rock study room. What can I say? I demand sunlight, a table and relative quiet while writing a paper. Despite my love affair with the Frisc, not even I can argue all of those items will be found in one location in the fortress to the science gods.

But here's a major grievance I must air. I complain profusely about the bathroom situation in the Frisc. No one will argue that it is not dire — there is one stall, the sink leaks, the line is long even at 2 am. It's a lose-lose-lose-etc.

But it's got one up on the Rock study room, which does not even HAVE a bathroom. Despite hosting many of the buildings computers, printers and collaborative workspaces, the first floor lacks one of life's greatest necessities. Forgive me for being lazy and not wanting to walk up or down the stairs, but … actually, don't forgive me. I'm going to entitle myself to a little laziness while writing a term paper. Work with me here, ok? All we ask for is life, liberty and the pursuit of easy restroom access. Is that so difficult?

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